Oct 03, 2024  
2024-2025 Chesapeake College Catalog 
2024-2025 Chesapeake College Catalog

Academic Records and Policies

This section of the Catalog describes the policies and procedures for maintenance of the records of students’ academic progress at Chesapeake College.


Student Honor Code

Chesapeake College students are persons of integrity. They stand for that which is right. They tell the truth and ensure that the full necessary truth is known. They do not lie.*

They embrace fairness in all actions. They ensure that work submitted as their own is their own, and that assistance received from any source is authorized and properly documented. They do not cheat.*

They respect the material and mental property of others and ensure that others are able to benefit from the use of their own property. They do not steal.*

Therefore, each student at Chesapeake College pledges to

  • Submit assignments that reflect his/her own thoughts and work.
  • Cite and properly acknowledge the thoughts and work of others.
  • Complete all tests and other in class assignments using his/ her own thoughts.
  • Reject the use of materials acquired illegally.
  • Respect the rights and property of others.

Those found to be in violation of this Code agree to disciplinary sanctions and appeal processes outlined within the Chesapeake College Student Code of Conduct.

*Adapted from the U.S. Naval Academy Code of Honor.

Grading System

Grade Standard Grade Points
A Superior 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D* Pass without recommendation 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete None
L Audit None
N Withdrew, first 3 weeks of class None
R Re-Enroll None
T Temporary/Crosses over semesters None
W Official Withdrawal None
A “D” grade in any developmental course does not permit progression into the next course. In addition, the “D” grade is not a passing grade in some of Chesapeake College’s Allied Health programs. Please check individual programs for more information.

Credits Attempted and Credits Earned

Credits attempted means the total number of credits in all the credit courses for which students receive one of the letter grades listed under Grading System.

Credits earned means the total number of credit hours in all the credit courses for which students receive a letter grade of D (unless otherwise stated) or higher. No credit hours are earned with any other grade.

Each grade report shows the credit hours attempted and earned for the term. Grade reports can be accessed in MyCAMPUS Self Services.

Load Hours

Courses starting with a “0” are non-credit hour courses designed to support success in college-level work. The grade earned is not calculated in the GPA, are not included in credits attempted and the courses are not used towards graduation. Load hour courses are counted in computing enrollment status and tuition only.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA is computed using the value of quality points. To compute a GPA multiply the number of semester hours of credit by the appropriate number of quality points A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. (Example: for each three-credit course in which an “A” grade is earned, three credits times four quality points equal 12 total quality points earned.)

The grade point average is then computed by dividing the total quality points earned in all semesters at Chesapeake College by the total number of semester hours for which a grade of A, B, C, D, or F is recorded, except when courses are repeated.

Request for Recalculation of Grade Point Average due to Change in Curriculum Policy (Academic Forgiveness)

Chesapeake College recognizes that students may not perform well in their program of study due to a variety of reasons. Students who have changed programs of study but may be adversely affected by past academic performance may request all credits be removed from their grade point average for courses no longer applicable to their new program.

All courses that fulfill a General Education requirement in the student’s new program of study are not applicable to this policy. Courses will still appear on the students’ official transcript and are marked with an asterisk. Students may not request academic amnesty more than once.

Consideration will be given only to currently registered students, and the request must be made before a graduation application is submitted. Also, the student must be in a different program of study and have earned at least 12 credits with a grade of “C” or better for the courses in their new program.

Refer to the full procedure on “Request for Recalculation of Grade Point Average” under Important Forms on the College website at https://www.chesapeake.edu/sites/default/files/RequestForRecalcGPAFORM.pdf.

Grade Reports

College students are expected to assume responsibility for the quality of their work on a continuing basis. Instructors and advisors will welcome discussions with students regarding the student’s progress. At the end of each semester, a complete report of that semester’s grades is available on MyCampus/CRAB, located on the College’s Website at www.chesapeake.edu.

Please note: Any student with an outstanding debt to the College must clear all charges before the semester’s grades will be released to the student.

Mid-term Grades

The temporary grades of “S” (Satisfactory) and “U” (Unsatisfactory) are entered at the middle of the term to indicate whether students are making satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress. Mid-term grades are not mailed but are available on MyCampus/CRAB, located through the College’s Website at: www.chesapeake.edu.

Change of Grade

Only the assigned instructor is authorized to assign or change a grade. Once a grade has been submitted and verified to the student’s record, an instructor may change the grade if warranted by submitting a Change of Grade Form to the office of registration. Appropriate documentation must also accompany the form.

A request for a change of grade must be initiated by the student within one calendar year from the time the original grade was posted to the academic record.

Transfer with the Grade of “D”

According to Maryland transfer policies, the grade of “D” is sometimes acceptable for transfer credit. If the course fulfills a General Education requirement, the course will transfer with a “D” even if the overall average is not a “C”. However, the student’s grade point average at Chesapeake at the time of graduation must average a 2.0 GPA when considering the “D” transfer. Normally, all students contemplating transfer should familiarize themselves with the transfer policies of the colleges they are considering.

See Appendix 1  for Maryland Higher Education Commission Student Transfer Policies.

Also, review the State General Education Student Transfer Policy information, Appendix 1 .

Definitions of Grades

Audit (“L”) Grade

An audit student may enroll in any Chesapeake College credit course without receiving credits or grades and without completing assignments. The student is expected to attend classes and participate fully in class. The student receives a grade of “L” (Listener) for the course.

Incomplete (“I”) Grade

The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be granted IN CASES OF EMERGENCY after receipt of the student’s written request to the instructor and after approval on an official “Permission to Receive Incomplete Grade” form, signed by the Dean for Students. The request must be submitted prior to the beginning of final exams and is subject to the approval of both the instructor and the Dean. An “I” grade which is not removed within four weeks after the beginning of classes for the next regular semester converts to an “F” grade.

Temporary (“T”) Grade

The grade of “T” (Temporary) will be used only in circumstances when a course is scheduled to extend beyond the traditional term ending date and an “I” grade is not appropriate. The grade of “T” remains only until the class is officially completed.

Official Withdrawal (“W”) Grade

The grade of “W” (Withdrawn) will be recorded only when the student executes and files an official “Drop/Add Form” in the Office of Registration and Records within the deadline for dropping courses that is listed in the College Academic Calendar in this Catalog. The grade of “W” is not computed in the grade point average. Any course dropped after the deadline or without compliance with this procedure will be recorded as “F” on the student’s official record.

Grades in Developmental Courses

All students who take developmental courses must pass them with a grade of “C” or better in order to progress to the next developmental level or into regular college-level courses in the same discipline.

Academic Standing Classifications

Good Academic Standing

Students are considered to be in Good Academic Standing if they earn a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher each fall or spring semester.

Dean’s List

At the end of each fall and spring semester, a Dean’s List will be published that includes the names of all students who have achieved a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or better and carried at least six credit hours that semester.

Academic Warning

Students who receive a fall or spring semester or cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning.

Academic Probation

After a student has attempted more than six credits and has received a fall or spring semester GPA and a cumulative GPA less than a 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Probation, providing it is not the student’s first semester. Students on Academic Probation are required to meet with an academic advisor in the Office of Student Affairs for planning the next semester of enrollment. Students will be advised to register for less than 12 credit/load hours during the probationary semester in order to improve their GPA.

Academic Suspension

A student will be placed on Academic Suspension after:

  • Attempting more than 24 credits and
  • Receiving Academic Probation for the previous fall or spring semester and
  • Having a semester GPA less than 2.0 and
  • Having a cumulative GPA less than a 1.5. In order to be reinstated, a student must appear before the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Academic Standing Committee.

Academic Dismissal

A student will be placed on Academic Dismissal if he/she received Academic Suspension the fall or spring semester before and the current semester GPA is less than a 2.0. A student may appeal to the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Academic Standing Committee for reinstatement consideration.

Academic Grievance Procedure

Should a difficulty arise regarding a student-initiated academic grievance (academic dishonesty, grades, grading procedures, use of class time, etc.), the student should first seek to resolve the situation with the instructor at an agreed upon time outside of the instructional setting. If, after dialogue with the instructor, the situation is not resolved, the student shall use the following procedure. (NOTE: Students in programs with additional accreditation requirements (e.g., health professions) should follow their program’s specific academic grievance procedures.)

  1. Complete a statement of the difficulty on an Academic Grievance Form, available from the Academic Dean.  
    NOTE: Grade-related requests must be made within one calendar year from the time the original grade was posted to the academic record.
  2. Submit the completed form to the Academic Dean who will review the facts, discuss the issues with all persons concerned (see note below), and attempt to resolve the difficulty to the satisfaction of all parties. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.
    NOTE:  Besides speaking with the instructor and student, the Academic Dean will consult the relevant Department Chair, Program Coordinator, Program Director, and/or any other party required for accreditation.
  3. If the difficulty remains unresolved, the Academic Dean will submit his/her findings in writing along with the grievance form to the Academic Vice President. The Academic Vice President will review the facts, discuss the issues with all persons concerned, and attempt to resolve the difficulty to the satisfaction of all parties. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.
  4. If the difficulty remains unresolved, the student may submit an appeal to the Committee for Admissions and Academic Standing Committee (CAAS). The Committee will review the case and submit its recommendation to the President. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.
  5. Action taken by the President shall, upon written notice to all parties concerned, become binding. Any confidential records involved in the grievance procedure will be maintained in the office of the Academic Vice President.