Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Chesapeake College Catalog 
2013-2014 Chesapeake College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Student Code of Conduct

Note: The following information is a condensed version of the complete Student Code of Conduct. For a complete version, refer to the Student Guide. Copies are also available in the Office of Student Success.

Students seeking information on how to resolve issues that may occur between the student and the College are encouraged to seek guidance from Counselors in the Office of Student Success, the Vice President of Student Success and Enrollment Services, academic advisors, classroom instructors, the College Catalog, or any appropriate professional employee of the College.

  1. Academic Misconduct
    The College has adopted the following policy on Academic Dishonesty.
      Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
      1. Cheating on examinations.
      2. Plagiarism, the representing of another’s ideas or writing as one’s own, including but not limited to:
        1. Presenting all or part of another person’s work as something one has written;
        2. Paraphrasing or summarizing another’s writing without proper acknowledgment;
        3. Representing another’s artistic or technical work or creation as one’s own.
      3. Willingly collaborating with others in any of the above action(s) which result(s) in work being submitted which is not the student’s own.
      4. Stealing examinations, falsifying academic records, and other such offenses.
      5. Submitting work previously presented in another course without permission of the instructor.
      6. Unauthorized duplication of computer software.
      7. Unauthorized use of copyrighted or published material.
      If, based on substantial evidence, a student is deemed guilty of academic dishonesty, the College may initiate disciplinary action as follows:
      1. The student may be required to repeat the assignment or the examination.
      2. The student may be given a failing grade for the assignment or the examination.
      3. The student may be given a failing grade for the course, and does not have the option to withdraw. The faculty member will submit a change of grade form to the registrar as soon as possible with a full explanation for the failing grade.
      4. The student may be suspended or dismissed from the College.
      1. Informal Appeal Process:
        If a student wishes to discuss a disciplinary action that she/ he has received for an alleged instance of academic dishonesty, the initial step is for the student to meet with the instructor to attempt to resolve the issue in an informal manner. This meeting should be scheduled at mutually agreed upon time, outside of the instructional setting.
      2. Formal Appeal Process:
        To initiate a formal appeal, the student should first request a meeting with the instructor. If the issue cannot be resolved, the student must complete an Academic Grievance Form available from the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The form should be submitted to the appropriate Academic Dean. Appeals will be processed in accordance with the Academic Grievance Procedures outlined in this Catalog.
  2. Non-Academic Misconduct
    The non-academic misconduct listed below is prohibited on College premises, at College-sponsored activities, or during the execution of College-related business. This is not an all-inclusive list of prohibited behavior. The prohibited behavior described in this section applies to students enrolled in both credit and noncredit programs offered by the College. Attempts to commit acts prohibited in this Code, or encouraging or assisting others to commit such acts, are prohibited and may be punished to the same extent as if one had committed the prohibited act.
    College sponsored activities are any activities, on or off campus, which are initiated, authorized or supervised by Chesapeake College. For purposes of the Code, this definition also extends to behavior, which affects the execution of College business, but which does not necessarily occur on College premises or at a College sponsored activity. For purposes of this Code, ‘Chesapeake College student’ is defined as any person enrolled in credit or non-credit programs offered by Chesapeake College. This includes all credit and non-credit courses offered on or off campus.
    Prohibited Conduct
    1. Physical and/or psychological abuse, threat, or harassment of any member of the College community or visitor to the College, or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person. This would include person-to-person, written, and electronic communication.
    2. Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of any weapon, dangerous chemical, or explosive element.
    3. Initiation of, or causing to be initiated, any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency.
    4. Violation of fire regulations, including the misuse or damage of fire safety equipment.
    5. Disruption, obstruction, or interference with College or College-sponsored activities, including, but not limited to, teaching, studying, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, cultural events, or fire, police, or emergency services.
    6. Violation of the terms of any disciplinary action imposed in accordance with this code.
    7. Interference with freedom of expression of others.
    8. Violation of any College policy, procedure, or regulation, including, but not limited to, those concerning parking, student organizations, use of College facilities, smoking, alcohol, and the time, place, and manner of public expression.
    9. Unauthorized possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or of any illegal or controlled substance.
    10. Littering, damaging, defacing, or destroying College property or property under the College’s jurisdiction, or removing, using, occupying, or entering such property without authorization.
    11. Gambling or holding a raffle or lottery at the College without proper College approval.
    12. Violation of any local, state, federal, or other applicable law.
    13. Disorderly, lewd, or obscene conduct or expression.
    14. Furnishing false information to the College or to members of the College community who are acting in the exercise of their official duties.
    15. Forging, altering, falsifying, or misusing College documents, records, or identification cards.
    16. Theft or attempted theft of College property or services, or personal property, or knowingly possessing such stolen property.
    17. Infringing upon the right of other students to fair and equal access to any of the College’s library materials and comparable or related academic resources.
    18. Unauthorized or fraudulent use of the College’s facilities and/or equipment including but not limited to, the phone system, mail system, computer system, transportation system and/or equipment, or use of any of the above for any illegal act.
    19. Causing false information to be presented before any administrative proceeding of the College or intentionally destroying evidence important to such a proceeding.
    20. Failure to comply with the direction of College officials, including campus security officers acting in the performance of their duties.
    21. Hazing, which means doing any act or causing any situation which recklessly or intentionally subjects a student to the risk of bodily injury or endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission in any student organization.
    22. Encouraging others to commit any of the acts which have been herein prohibited.
    23. Violation of the Chesapeake College Internet Access Policy (Please see the Student Handbook or the College Website).

Disciplinary procedures and sanctions for violation of any of the enumerated prohibited acts are contained in the full text of the Student Code of Conduct which may be obtained from the following offices: Registration, Student Activities, Student Success, or the Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Services.

Student Honor Code

Chesapeake College students are persons of integrity. They stand for that which is right. They tell the truth and ensure that the full necessary truth is known. They do not lie. *

They embrace fairness in all actions. They ensure that work submitted as their own is their own, and that assistance received from any source is authorized and properly documented. They do not cheat.*

They respect the material and mental property of others and ensure that others are able to benefit from the use of their own property. They do not steal.*

Therefore, each student at Chesapeake College pledges to:

  • Submit assignments that reflect his/her own thoughts and work.
  • Cite and properly acknowledge the thoughts and work of others.
  • Complete all tests and other in class assignments using his/ her own thoughts.
  • Reject the use of materials acquired illegally.
  • Respect the rights and property of others.

Those found to be in violation of this Code agree to disciplinary sanctions and appeal processes outlined within the Chesapeake College Student Code of Conduct.

*Adapted from the U.S. Naval Academy Code of Honor.

Alcohol and Drug Use Policy

Ban Against Alcohol and Drug Use

Unauthorized possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or of any illegal or controlled substance is prohibited by the Chesapeake College Student Code of Conduct. (Section 3-I, Non-Academic Misconduct). These prohibitions cover any college-sanctioned off-campus activities as well as on-campus events.

Legal Sanctions

Chesapeake College students could face legal sanctions for violating local, state or federal laws against possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal or controlled substances, or underage possession, use, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages. Laws and possible sanctions vary by jurisdiction, but could include probation, community service, fines, and/or incarceration.

Health Risks Associated with Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs

Below are some of the health risks associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs:


  • addiction (particularly for individuals with alcoholism in their families)
  • every drinking episode results in some irreversible damage to brain cells
  • fetal alcohol syndrome (birth defects caused by women drinking during pregnancy)
  • increased risk of cirrhosis, ulcers, heart disease, injury by accident, cancer of mouth, esophagus, liver and stomach
  • blackouts
  • development of personality disorders
  • increased tendency to abusive behavior
  • impaired judgment may put individuals in life-threatening situations
  • loss of inhibitions
  • malnutrition and resultant damage to muscle, bone and other tissues
  • circulatory impairment
  • depression of central nervous system function
  • increased effect of narcotics/tranquilizers when used together
  • alcohol poisoning leading to possible coma and death


  • psychological addiction depending on patterns of use
  • stored in body fat for four to six weeks
  • disruption of brain function is caused by a motivational syndrome (loss of energy and enthusiasm including short-term memory loss and impaired depth perception and time/space orientation)
  • lung damage due to tar and other chemicals
  • increased heart rate
  • increased appetite which can lead to weight gain
  • idiosyncratic constriction of air passages in lungs of asthmatics
  • disruption of reproductive organ function in men and women

Stimulants (Ephedrine, Crystal Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Ritalin, etc.)

  • extremely addictive
  • development of overwhelming compulsion to repeat use (with “crack” cocaine)
  • central nervous system stimulant
  • increased heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
  • possible death-producing fibrillation of the heart
  • possible death-producing seizures and strokes
  • impaired judgment
  • anxiety, apprehension, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, exhaustion, delusional thinking
  • increased tendency of abusive behavior

Hallucinogens (LSD, PCP, mushrooms, Ecstasy)

  • paranoid thoughts, anxiety, panic, depression
  • delusions, time and visual distortions
  • depersonalization
  • extreme suggestibility while under the influence of the drug
  • intensification of any pre-existing psychosis
  • ataxia (unsteady gait/balance problem)
  • impaired memory
  • alteration of electrical activity of the brain
  • changes in levels of brain chemicals

Inhalants - a diverse group of chemicals, including solvents, aerosols, gases, and volatile nitrites

  • depression of the central nervous system, which can lead to death from a single use
  • psychologically and physically addictive
  • headache, muscle weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, tremors
  • heart, lung, kidney, and liver impairment/damage
  • brain and nervous system damage and paralysis


  • prolonged psychological dependence
  • rapid tolerance and physical addiction
  • depression in central nervous system, suppression of pain sensation and relief from anxiety
  • possible collapsed veins and infections such as hepatitis, endocarditis, or HIV/AIDS due to needle infection transmission
  • irregular heartbeat and breathing
  • drowsiness which may progress to coma and death depending on dose
  • possibility of severe health consequences depending on the inert chemicals with which the heroin is combined

Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse Counseling Referrals

Students who are seeking assistance for drug and/or alcohol abuse problems should contact Maureen Conlon, Counselor/Director of Advising, at 410-827-5856 or mconlon@chesapeake.edu. The College offers referral services to assist students attempting to address drug and/or alcohol abuse problems.

Disclosure of Disciplinary Proceeding Results

Chesapeake College will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence, or a nonforcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim. This disclosure is required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

Academic Grievance Procedure

Should a difficulty arise regarding a student-initiated academic grievance (grades, grading procedures, use of class time, etc.), the student should seek to resolve the situation with the instructor at an agreed-upon time outside of the instructional setting. If, after dialogue with the instructor, the situation is not resolved, the student shall use the following procedures:

  1. Complete a statement of the difficulty using an Academic Grievance Form available from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the office of any of the academic deans. Note: Grade-related requests must be made within one calendar year from the time the original grade was posted to the academic record.
  2. Submit the completed form to the Dean of Arts and Sciences or to the Dean for Career and Professional Studies, who will review the facts, discuss the issues with all persons concerned and attempt to resolve the difficulty to the satisfaction of all parties. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.
  3. If the difficulty remains unresolved, the academic dean will submit his/her findings in writing, along with the Grievance form, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the facts, discuss the issues with all persons concerned, and attempt to resolve the difficulty to the satisfaction of all parties. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.
  4. If the difficulty remains unresolved, the student may submit an appeal to the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Academic Standing Committee. The Committee will review the case and submit its recommendation to the President. Written copies of the findings will be provided to all persons concerned.

Action taken by the President shall, upon written notice to all parties concerned, become binding. Any confidential records involved in this grievance procedure will be maintained in the confidential files of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Student Activity Groups and Athletic Eligibility Requirements

All current students (full- or part-time) are eligible without restriction to take part in one or more of the student activity groups at the College. Officers of student activity groups must have a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average.

Students wishing to hold elective office in the Chesapeake College Student Government Association (SGA) should consult the SGA Constitution and Bylaws for eligibility requirements.

Students wishing to participate in intercollegiate sports must meet the standards of eligibility as stated by the National Junior Athletic Association, the Maryland Junior College Athletic Conference, and the College administration.

Guest Speakers

In the interest of academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas, student organizations may sponsor speakers whose remarks do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Trustees, the administration, the faculty, or the staff of Chesapeake College. In all cases, student attendance at lectures of this type is voluntary.

Inclement Weather Procedures

When inclement weather or other events necessitate emergency cancellation of all classes and closing of the campus, special radio and television announcements and College telephone recordings will notify the community of such closings. The College switchboard will carry a recorded message by 6:15 a.m. for day events and by 3:30 p.m. for evening events. Information will also be available on the College Website at www.chesapeake.edu by 6:15 a.m.

Radio and television notification will be made by 6:15 a.m. on stations WAAI, WBAL, WCEI, WCTR, WKDI, WPOC, WSCL, WTDK, WMAR-TV, WBAL-TV, WJZ-TV, WJLA-TV, Fox 45, and WBOC-TV. When evening classes must be cancelled because of inclement weather, these stations will receive notification by 3:30 p.m. The College cannot be responsible for the timeliness in which radio and television information is aired.

Maryland Voter Registration Information

Chesapeake College students who will be 18 years of age prior to the next general election who have not registered to vote are encouraged to do so. The link below provides access to a Maryland Voter Registration Form which must be postmarked 21 days before the next election in order for a new voter to vote in that election: http://www.elections.state.md.us/voter_registration/documents/2010%20English%20Internet%20VRA%20final.pdf.

Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

Chesapeake College is committed to promoting a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Therefore, the use of tobacco products is prohibited on the campus of Chesapeake College (“College”). This consists of all buildings, including all grounds, exterior open spaces, parking lots, on-campus sidewalks, streets, driveways, stadiums, recreational spaces and practice facilities; and in all College-owned or leased vehicles.

This policy is intended to reduce the health risks related to smoking and secondhand smoke for the campus community. Smoke-free and tobacco-free policies are becoming a standard to foster a healthy environment in municipalities, businesses, and colleges and universities alike.


For purposes of this policy, “tobacco” is defined as smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or the use of any other material in any type of smoking equipment, including but not restricted to cigarettes, cigars or pipes. This policy applies to all individuals on Chesapeake College’s campus, including faculty, staff, students, parents, vendors and visitors.

Responsible Offices:

The Vice President for Administrative Services and the Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Services will be responsible for implementing this policy.


Faculty, staff and students who violate this policy are subject to college disciplinary action. Visitors who violate this policy may be denied access to the college campus. Concerns regarding student, faculty/staff, and visitor violations of this policy should be referred to Campus Security.