Mar 31, 2025  
2014 -2015 Chesapeake College Catalog 
2014 -2015 Chesapeake College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Liberal Arts & Sciences Pathways

The Chesapeake College Liberal Arts & Sciences A.A. Degree program provides students with the transfer requirements for liberal arts and sciences majors at four-year institutions.  Students should acquaint themselves with the requirements of the major department at the college or university to which transfer is contemplated and consult with an academic advisor in planning an appropriate program.  The College’s Transfer Advisor can provide additional information regarding the transfer requirements of institutions within the University of Maryland System.

The Pathyways included here provide examples of recommended program and free electives that will compliment the Liberal Arts & Sciences Degree.

Biology Pathway

Semester I
FSC 101 Freshman Seminar 1  credit
ENG 101 Composition 3 credits
COM 101 Fund. of Oral & Organizational Communication 3 credits
MAT 113 College Algebra 3 credits
BIO 111 Principles of Biology I 4 credits
  14 credits
Semester II
MAT 204 Statistics 3 credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature 3 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
BIO 113 Principles of Biology II 4 credits
BIO 204 General Botomy or  
BIO 206 Zoology 4 credits
  17 credits
Semester III
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
ART/HUM Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
LIT Literature Elective 3 credits
PED 103 Wellness for Life 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester IV
IDC 201 The Nature of Knowledge 3 credits
SOC SCI Social Science Elective 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
FA Fine Arts Elective 3 credits
  13 credits
Minimum Required Credits: 60 credits

Communication Pathway

Semester I
FSC 101 Freshman Seminar 1  credit
ENG 101 Composition 3 credits
COM 101 Fund. of Oral & Organizational Communication 3 credits
MAT 113 College Algebra 3 credits
PED 103 Wellness for Live 3 credits
PSC 150 General Psychology 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester II
COM 170 Introduction to Journalism 3 credits
ART/HUM Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) 3 credits
FA Fine Arts Elective 3 credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
  16 credits
Semester III
COM 160 Interpersonal Communication 3 credits
COM 180 Introduction to Mass Media 3 credits
LIT Literature Elective 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
SOC 161 Sociology 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester IV
COM 201 Theories in Human Communication 3 credits
IDC 201 The Nature of Knowledge 3 credits
SOC SCI Social Science Elective 3 credits
MAT 204 Statistics 3 credits
  12 credits
Minimum Required Credits: 60 credits

English Pathway

Semester I
FSC 101 Freshman Seminar 1  credit
ENG 101 Composition 3 credits
COM 101 Fund. of Oral & Organizational Communication 3 credits
MAT Mathematics (G.Ed.) 3-5 credits
FA Fine Arts Elective 3 credits
PED 103 Wellness for Life 3 credits
  15-17 credits
Semester II
ART/HUM Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) 3 credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature 3 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
ENG 140 Literary Journal Production and  
ENG 183 African American Literature or  
ENG 188 The Short Story 4 credits
  16-17 credits
Semester III
LIT Literature Elective 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
LANG Foreign Language Elective 3 credits
ENG Any 200 Level English Course 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester IV
IDC 201 The Nature of Knowledge 3 credits
SOC SCI Social Science Elective 3 credits
LANG Foreign Language Elective 3 credits
ENG Any 200 Level English Course 3 credits
  12 credits
Minimum Required Credits: 60 credits

Note:  A student taking a five credit math course in Semester I should defer PED 103 until the next semester.

Music Pathway

Semester I
FSC 101 Freshman Seminar 1  credit
ENG 101 Composition 3 credits
COM 101 Fund. of Oral & Organizational Communication 3 credits
MAT Mathematics (G.Ed.) 3 credits
MUS 153 Music Theory I and  
MUS 253 Music Theory Seminar 4 credits
HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities or  
THE 172 Introduction to Theatre 3 credits
  17 credits
Semester II
MUS 101 Introduction to Music 3 credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature 3 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
PED 103 Wellness for Life 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester III
LIT Literature Elective 3 credits
NAT SCI Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) 4 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
MUS 165 Piano Class I or  
MUS 187 Voice Class I and  
MUS 141 Chorus 3 credits
FREE Free Elective 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester IV
IDC 201 The Nature of Knowledge 3 credits
SOC SCI Social Science Elective 3 credits
MUS Music Elective 3 credits
FREE Free Elective 3 credits
  12 credits
Minimum Required Credits: 60 credits

STEM Pathway

Semester I
FSC 101 Freshman Seminar 1  credit
ENG 101 Composition 3 credits
COM 101 Fund. of Oral & Organizational Communication 3 credits
MAT 113 College Algebra or  
MAT 115 Precalculus 3-5 credits
FA Fine Arts Elective 3 credits
PED 103 Wellness for Life 3 credits
  15-17 credits
Semester II
ART/HUM Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) 3 credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Literature 3 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
BIO 111 Principles of Biology I or  
SCI 151 Environmental Science 4 credits
FREE Free Elective 3 credits
  16 credits
Semester III
LIT Literature Elective 3 credits
CHM 121 General Chemistry 4 credits
SOC SCI Social/Behavioral Science (G.Ed.) 3 credits
PHY 205 College Physics or  
PHY 215 Physics I 4 credits
FREE Free Elective 3 credits
  17 credits
Semester IV
IDC 201 The Nature of Knowledge 3 credits
SOC SCI Social Science Elective 3 credits
CHM 122 General Chemistry II 4 credits
SCI 272 Internship in Natural Science 2 credits
  12 credits
Minimum Required Credits: 60 credits

Note:  A student taking a five credit math course in Semester I should defer PED 103 until the next semester.

Program Electives

Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ART 101; FLM 240; HUM 101, 110; LARC 160; MUS 101; THE 172.

Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): BIO 101, 105, 111; CHM 121; GEO 143; PHY 205, 215; SCI 102, 110, 111, 141, 142, 151.  Note:  SCI 102 is a three credit, non-laboratory science that may not be eligible in certain programs.

Fine Arts Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ART 101, 115, 116; MUS 101, 105, 152, 153; FLM 240, 242; THE 172, 230, 260, 271.

Foreign Language Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): FRE 121, 122; SPA 121, 122.

Literature Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ENG 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208; THE 250.

Mathematics (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): MAT 113, 115, 140, 200, 204.

Social Science Electives can be satisfied by any course with an ANT, ECN, GEO, HIS, POL, PSC or SOC prefix (not otherwise included as a program requirement).

Social/Behavior Science (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ANT 142; ECN 171, 172; HIS 101, 102, 131, 132; LARC 163; PSC 150; SOC 161, 162.