Program Electives
Arts/Humanities (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ART 101; FLM 240; HUM 101, 110; LARC 160; MUS 101; THE 172.
Bio/Natural Science (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): BIO 101, 105, 111; CHM 121; GEO 143; PHY 205, 215; SCI 102, 110, 111, 141, 142, 151. Note: SCI 102 is a three credit, non-laboratory science that may not be eligible in certain programs.
Fine Arts Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ART 101, 115, 116; MUS 101, 105, 152, 153; FLM 240, 242; THE 172, 230, 260, 271.
Foreign Language Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): FRE 121, 122; SPA 121, 122.
Literature Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ENG 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208; THE 250.
Mathematics (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): MAT 113, 115, 140, 200, 204.
Social Science Electives can be satisfied by any course with an ANT, ECN, GEO, HIS, POL, PSC or SOC prefix (not otherwise included as a program requirement).
Social/Behavior Science (G.Ed.) Electives can be satisfied by any of the following courses (not otherwise included as a program requirement): ANT 142; ECN 171, 172; HIS 101, 102, 131, 132; LARC 163; PSC 150; SOC 161, 162.