Feb 14, 2025
ENG 101+ - Composition | Meets a General Education requirement. Instruction in the writing process and fundamentals of academic writing. Students will learn to write clearly organized, well supported, thesis-driven essays. Analysis of written works and other texts, research methods and information literacy, and ethical use of resource materials are studied. A formal research paper is a required component of the class.3 credits [FALL/SPRING] Three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Complete ENG 094 or ENG 100 as a prerequisite, or appropriate placement score. Corequisite: ENG 095+ if determined by appropriate placement score. Note: ENG 101 must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” to fullful all college English Composition requirements. All developmental courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in order to progress to the next developmental level or into college-level courses.
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